La Gallina Co-Co-Ua

By Cepillín

"La Gallina Co-Co-Ua" is an iconic album by the Mexican clown and singer Cepillín, released in 1979. This record stands out for its playful and entertaining nature, with songs that have delighted multiple generations of children. The title track, "La Gallina Co-Co-Ua," became a major hit, famous for its catchy chorus and cheerful rhythm. The album includes a mix of educational and fun themes, which not only entertain but also teach values and lessons to young listeners. "La Gallina Co-Co-Ua" showcases Cepillín's charisma and creativity, cementing his legacy in children's music.

Listen chart 182
Track List - 10 Songs
Ricardo González Gutierrez | Editorial Orfeón
Ricardo González Gutierrez | Editorial Orfeón
Homero Gonzalez | Editorial Orfeón
Felipe Gil Barradas | Promotora Hispano Americana De Música
Salvador Flores Rivera | Promotora Hispano Americana De Música
Luis Lázaro Salazar Gutiérrez | Editorial Orfeón
Lazaro Salazar | Editorial Orfeón
Ricardo González Gutierrez | Editorial Orfeón
Ventura Romero | Promotora Hispano Americana De Música
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