Rock Infantil Con Cepillín

By Cepillín

"Rock Infantil Con Cepillín" is an album by Cepillín, released in 1980 under the Discos Orfeón label. It's an album that stands out for blending rock with children's music, offering a collection of energetic and fun songs that invite children to dance and sing. With his vibrant style and charisma, Cepillín presents catchy melodies and clever lyrics that capture the attention of young listeners. "Rock Infantil Con Cepillín" showcases Cepillín's versatility in adapting popular musical genres into a kid-friendly format, providing entertainment and joy to his young audience.

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Track List - 10 Songs
John S Marascalco , Robert A. Blackwell | Peer International Corporation
John D. Loudermilk | Warner Chappell Music México
James L. Turnbow, Larry Parks | Aberbach De México
J. P. Richardson | Universal Music México
Lawrence Eugene Williams, Armando José Martínez González | Sony D.A.D.C. México
Jerry Leiber, Mike Stoller, Armando José Martínez González | Pfive Entertainment México
Buddy Kay, Ethel Lee, David Hess, Manuel Muñoz | Aberbach De México
Ricardo González Gutierrez, Luis Lázaro Salazar Gutiérrez | Editorial Orfeón
Luis Lázaro Salazar Gutiérrez | Editorial Orfeón
Norman Span | Aberbach De México
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