Chico Che y la Crisis y Rigo Domínguez y Su Grupo Audaz

By Varios Artistas

Two legends in one album. Discos Orfeón presents a clash of giants with Chico Che y La Crisis alongside Rigo Domínguez y Su Grupo Audaz, delivering a repertoire full of flavor, rhythm, and energy. This album will get your feet moving from the very first note. Turn it up and enjoy! ???

Listen chart 551
Track list : 30 Songs
Jesús Rincón Cardenas, Beto Cross | Editora Mantram
Jesús Rincón Cardenas | Editora Mantram
Jesus Silvestre | Brambila
Mario Rodriguez De Hoyos | Editora Mantram
Jesus Guerra | Editorial Mexicana De Música Internacional
Manuel Gonzalez | Grever Music Publishing
Julian Got | Editorial Mexicana De Música Internacional
Manuel Eduardo | Editora Mantram
Arturo Jaimes, Jose Jaimes | Editora Mantram
Calixto Ochoa | Editorial Musical Latinoamericana
Arturo Jaimes, Jose Jaimes | Editora Mantram
Chico Che | Editora Mantram
Rafael Rodriguez | EMI Musical
Librado Barajas | Editorial Mexicana De Música Internacional
Jesús Rincón Cardenas | Editora Mantram
Emma Morel | Sociedad De Autores Y Compositores De Música
Roberto Lopez Gali | Editora Mantram
Chico Che | Editora Mantram
Mario Rodriguez De Hoyos | Editora Mantram
Chico Che | Editora Mantram
Hugo Blanco | Dobles Reclamos
Dann, Rafael Rodriguez, Garcia, Nader | Grever Music Publishing
Silvano Zetina | Editora Mantram
S. Vargas, R. Fuentes | Promotora Hispano Americana De Música
Manuel Salvador Gonzalez | Editora Musical Musart
Blas Eduardo | Peermusic De México
J. R. Abreu, V. Waill | Pendientes
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