Rock en Avándaro Valle de Bravo

By Varios Artistas

A sonic testimony of the iconic Avándaro festival, featuring performances that shaped the history of Mexican rock.

Listen chart 115
Track list : 12 Songs
Jaime Valle, Alberto Isordia | Galaxia Musical
Antonio Baker, Adrian Cuevas | Galaxia Musical
Guillermo Mujica, Huizar | Warner Chappell Music México
Jorge Aguilera | Galaxia Musical
Salvador Martinez | Promotora Hispano Americana De Música
Mario Sanabria | Galaxia Musical
Antonio Baker, Adrian Cuevas | Editora Musical Musart
Guillermo Mujica, Adrian Cuevas | Warner Chappell Music México
Jaime Valle, Alberto Isordia | Galaxia Musical
Antonio Baker | Sony D.A.D.C. México
Guillermo Mujica, Waldo Nieto | Galaxia Musical
Antonio Baker | Promotora Hispano Americana De Música
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