Salseando Con El Africa

By Conjunto Africa

"Salseando Con El África" is an album by Conjunto África, released in 1989. This album features an exciting collection of songs that blend Afro-Peruvian music with salsa rhythms, creating a distinctive and vibrant style. With their characteristic sound and infectious energy, Conjunto África takes listeners on a musical journey filled with rhythm and joy. "Salseando Con El África" showcases the versatility and talent of the group to explore different musical genres while maintaining their Afro-Peruvian essence.

Listen chart 249
Track list : 10 Songs
Luis Gomez Escolar Roldan, Calderon Lopez De Arroyabe Juan Carlos | Peer International Corporation
Edmundo Abad Flores | Sacm-Directo F
Max Forbes Forbes | Promotora Hispano Americana De Música
Fredy Davila | Pendiente
Francisco Ocampo G. | Pendiente
Juan D. Ventura Soriano | Peer International Corporation
Manuel Muñoz, Jose Muñoz | EMI Musical
Max Forbes Forbes | Promotora Hispano Americana De Música
Amparo Silva Cruz |
Antonio Fernandez | Promotora Hispano Americana De Música
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