Grupo Cañaveral, Vol. III

By Grupo Cañaveral De Humberto Pabón

Grupo Cañaveral, Vol. III by Grupo Cañaveral de Humberto Pabón is a vibrant album that captures the essence of Mexican cumbia. Released under the renowned Discos Orfeón label, this record features a collection of tracks that blend traditional rhythms with a modern touch, making each song irresistibly danceable. Grupo Cañaveral, known for its energy and unmistakable style, delivers a musical experience full of joy and flavor in this volume, solidifying its position as one of the most iconic cumbia groups.

Listen chart 52
Track List - 11 Songs
Humberto Pabon Olivares | Promotora Hispano Americana De Música
Agustin Teutli Delgado, Agustin Teutli Delgado | Promotora Hispano Americana De Música
Efren David Rivera, Efren David Rivera | Warner Chappell Music México
Arturo Venegas, Arturo Venegas | Warner Chappell Music México
Efren David Rivera, Efren David Rivera | Warner Chappell Music México
Efren David Rivera | Promotora Hispano Americana De Música
Agustin Teutli Delgado, Agustin Teutli Delgado, Agustin Teutli Delgado | Promotora Hispano Americana De Música
Humberto Pabon Olivares | Warner Chappell Music México
Humberto Pabon Olivares | Warner Chappell Music México
Efren David Rivera, Efren David Rivera | Promotora Hispano Americana De Música
Efren David Rivera, Efren David Rivera | Warner Chappell Music México
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